Gift Planning

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Bequest Language

The following language may aid you and your attorney in preparing your bequest to the Northern Arizona University Foundation for the benefit of NAU.

I give/devise to the Northern Arizona University Foundation, Inc., an Arizona non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, P.O. Box 4094, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4094, EIN: 86-0193726

The sum of $___________________; or

All of my interest in the following described property:_______________; or

______% (percent) or all of the residue of my estate.

If designated to a College or Program for unrestricted use, please add: for benefit of (College or Program). For example: Fifty Percent (50%) of the residue of my estate for the benefit of the College of Arts and Letters.

If you are interested in creating an endowment fund or scholarship, please contact us to discuss the particulars of how you would like to see your donation applied.

Thank you for including the Northern Arizona University Foundation in your estate plans!

Please let us know when this gift has been documented so we can acknowledge your support and welcome you to the 1899 Society.

For more information, please:
  • Call Shannan Rice, Assistant Director of Gift Planning at 928-523-3152.
  • Write to us at P.O. Box 4094, Flagstaff, AZ, 86011.
  • E-mail us at [email protected].